Rhonda Leifheit

Rhonda Leifheit

The Source Life Enrichment Center

Rhonda’s second appearance as a guest on The Manifestation Lab Podcast is now available.

New Podcast Interview!

Greetings and Welcome!

Whether it is an interest in past lives that has brought you here, or a desire to grow spiritually through classes or private sessions, I am here to help you on your journey.

Gravel road with big sky

Past life Readings or Regressions - what’s the difference?

I do both. Please see the distinction below and feel free to contact me with questions.

Library of scrolls

Readings from the Akashic Records

Readings are designed to provide insight, objectivity and guidance for soul-growth. They are not predictive. While our past does not predict our present, our past beliefs and actions create what is called karma which can result in patterns. Karma is neither good nor bad. Karmic law is about growth and learning. The Readings provide insight into one’s purpose. With this increased understanding comes the potential to act with more conscious intent - from choice rather than habit, from love rather than fear.  

Some therapists find Readings are a useful adjunct to the process of personal growth and have used Rhonda as a referral source to both clients and colleagues.

Past Life Regressions

The other way to access your past lives is through a Past Life Regression. This is the opportunity to "see for yourself" - to tap in to the Akashic Records by going into a light state of hypnosis.

A Regression gives a more subjective view of the events, thoughts and feelings that occurred in the past life. From this perspective you might be able to witness decisions you made (or beliefs formed or vows made) which are still influencing your life today.

Regressions can be a powerful way to transform limiting beliefs and bring about healing.

Long ancient hallway
Lotus Blossom

Personalized Services

I am certified in Hypnosis and Transformational Imagery.  In addition to Readings and Regressions listed above, I offer additional personal growth tools:  Meridian Tapping, Hypnosis, I Ching Consultation,  Individual Meditation Sessions with Instruction, and Transformational Imagery.


I teach classes in personal and spiritual growth on a wide range of topics. I love the small class dynamic and the wisdom that emerges for each participant.

Rhonda teaching
Pathway made of books

Karmic Law and Reincarnation

Past Life Readings and Regressions are useful in understanding your souls’ karmic journey. The term karma comes from Hinduism and is best understood in the West as "cause and effect" or "reaping what we have sown." Even as, in our present life, we can see the results of actions and intentions made by earlier choices, we also carry karmic patterns from one life to the next.

In the 30 years I have known Rhonda, I have been privileged to receive loving, healing guidance through her Akashic Readings and in a wide variety of her classes and seminars.

Rhonda's Readings touch the heart in a most unique way.  Beautifully worded, the pertinent information is offered in an atmosphere of palpable loving energy, especially when the life lesson revealed might feel challenging.  I have often returned to Readings received many years ago, always finding fresh insights, hope and renewed strength for the journey!

From Rhonda I have also learned numerous very helpful strategies for accessing my inner wisdom.  I can carry these tools with me each day and choose the best ones for the particular task at hand.  Her teachings have helped me be more versatile.

Rhonda's own spiritual growth, generous heart and incessant curiosity about life's mysteries form a lovely aura that surrounds and infuses her gifted ways of teaching. This provides a nurturing haven in which to learn and grow.  I well remember an affirmation given in her class nearly 30 years ago:  "I will love myself and bless my learning."  I am deeply grateful for the ways Rhonda has helped me to do this.  She has made an exquisite difference in my life.

L.A. 2016, St. Louis



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